John Rambo has retreated to northern Thailand, living a solitary and peaceful life in the mountains and jungles. A group of human rights missionaries search him out and ask him to guide them into Burma to deliver medical supplies. When the aid workers are captured by the Burmese army, Rambo decides to venture alone into the war zone to rescue them.
Genres: | Action/Adventure, Thriller and Sequel |
Running Time: | 1 hr. 31 min. |
Release Date: | January 25th, 2008 (wide) |
MPAA Rating: | R for strong graphic bloody violence, sexual assaults, grisly images and language. |
Distributors: | Lionsgate |
U.S. Box Office: | $42,724,402 |
Rambo is back and better than ever!, 22 January 2008

Author: Norse_Sage from Akershus, Norway
I saw this at an advance screening in Oslo, and going in, I didn't expect it to be any more than a cheesy and somewhat gory tribute to eighties actioners by a star/director/producer/writer who was desperate to relive past glory. That latter may or may not be true, but my former assessment was plain wrong. This movie is authentic, shocking and unlike any other comparable movie.
Given its genre, the movie is a masterpiece. The story is simple but solid, and works on several levels. The action scenes are unparalleled, more intense than "Black Hawk Down", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Stalingrad" put together. The level of brutality and gore will shock and fascinate, and no doubt cause some level of controversy.
Stallone proves himself to be an excellent director, as well as in excellent shape for his age. I had little faith in him going in, and I stand corrected.
This is a Rambo who has come to terms with who and what he is, in a movie that holds up when compared with the original "First Blood". Well done, Sly. Well done indeed.
Stallone is still here!, 20 January 2008
Author: misel982001 from Greece
During his career, Sylvester Stallone gave the audience many great times to remember him.From Rocky and Rambo, to Demolition Man and Shade, Stallone was always a true super star. As an almost exclusive action films actor, he brought to the audience for over three decades, high quality action movies. However, aging is always a problem for such actors and Stallone could escape it....a little though! His physical condition is tremendous! Let's not forget that he is almost 62. It is a fact that his last films did not manage to reach the quality of his previous successes. Driven, D-Tox, Avenging Angelo and Shade, were really good films indeed but their shine was not as big as Rocky or Rambo. That is why Stallone returned with his major two success roles. Rocky Balboa was excellent and meaningfull. Now it is time for...John Rambo! This film is simply excellent. Although it is mostly an action movie it has also deeper meanings such as ethical values and political messages. Just like Rocky Balboa, John Rambo uses the formula of the first movie mixed with this of the forth!Monosylabic dialogues from Rambo meet the political messages of the activists, The violent reaction of Rambo towards the brutal soldiers is justified by his ethical code with a deeper meaning that oppresion and injustice generates strong reaction! Acting as a whole, is very good and convincing. Stallone is really born to be Rambo and the supporting cast is made by young actors who meet the quality standards of Milo Ventimiglia. The project budget is 50m so as you understand there are many real-like explosions and effects. What is new is the ultra violent death scenes. They really look true!The story is interesting although ,as you expect, not complicated. To summarize, John Rambo is one of the best action movies that 2008 will probably bring to us.Also it is a must to see because not only it is a really good movie but also because it is the last Rambo film. Stallone even if he is 62, looks no more than 45 and his condition is impressive. A must for all action film fans and not only by them, Rambo is a really good film and you should not miss it.
Rated "R" for Rambo, 26 January 2008
Author: Ryan Neighbors from United States
OH the Haustacity. Yes...I will say it again, HAUSTASTIC!!!! Rambo at his best...I don't care, he may be old, but crap man. This movie is awesome.
Stallone definitely took a step towards the Mel Gibson approach in making it realistic. That is what a .50 caliber round does to a man. The genocide scenes are rough and graphic...definitely not for young audiences, but for everyone else. HAUSOME!!!
The story is solid. It doesn't take long at all to get to the action. This is a must see for any person looking for some great action.
Rated "R" for Ridiculous, rampaging, reoccurring Rambo
Pure action!! Solid Movie., 25 January 2008
Author: chrisalsop1213 from Canada
Rambo is without question a sick action movie and Stallone has proved himself again as an intense actor and as a solid director. This installment combines elements from all three previous movies but this one had a much more realistic feel. Yes some dialog is questionable and there are a few, albeit brief, scenes that don't quite work, but make no mistake, this movie takes no prisoners. Stallone slips back into the role with ease and his supporting players do an admirable job. Critics will whine as they always do about the excessive violence, gore and lack of story. (Stick to giving awful movies like The Skeleton Key thumbs up guys). The ironic thing is that Rambo actually gives a vivid and some would say accurate portrayal of war. It has a similar feel to Black Hawk Down and borrows its chaotic action. Rambo pulls no punches...It's brutality, violence and gore are rooted in reality. Gone is the "fun" action of 2 and 3. It is replaced with realism which amounts to some of the best and most intense action sequences I've ever seen. My only real gripe with the film was scenes that were sped up in post. (No big deal)
Finally, the integrity of the series as a whole has been kept in tact. Everything from the music, to the action to the character to the final scene. An extremely well crafted movie. Rambo/action fans will not be disappointed...And neither will the critics who rave about The Princess Diaries
MeaningFULL Violence at its most horrific.
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Rambo films were not tremendous examples of subtle art. Life's realities arent art work either, they are explicitly horriable in many ways, and the enormously brutal nature of RAMBO 4 perfectly displays this reality. And anyone who writes it off as "mindless", are most definatly absent of a mind or a heart. The graphic depictions in RAMBO are so horrific, i think its the closest any film out of
Hollywood has gotten to showing the truth in crimes against humanity.
This movie is a wake up call....but yet isnt a public service announcment, nor is it preachy. Make no mistake, it does remember its a movie and its an entertaining one.
Some of the best action ive ever seen in a film. Mix the explosivness of 80s blockbusters with the reality and heart of a 'Saving Private Ryan' brutality, but pushed to the MAXIMUM.
Youve never seen anything like this before.
Now lets talk about acting and plot.
The acting is nothing special. Nope. But it gets the job done. Again, what are you expecting from Rambo? The fact that Stallone injects lots of heart and honesty into this film is enuff i think for its genre.
Stallone acted better in pervious Rambos perhaps, but thats all. In every other catagory, as far as the sequals go, RAMBO 4 blows them all a way...leaving only the first Rambo, 'FIRST BLOOD' as the superior work in the collection.
The plot is a worthy story, about a group of missionaries who wanna give a loving and peacefull message to a people that are in the middle of genocide, and in the midst of that, they get into trouble, and Rambo has to help them out of harms way.
And Slyvester Stallones story has GREAT meaning becouse its about true events happening in the country of Burma that never gets any news coverage, and is the least publicised atrocity in the world. So Stallone revolved this Rambo film around it to bring attention to the utter carnage happening in Burma.
It isnt executed with the most depth, but i dont expect too much from an action film. People who are sipping wine and nibbling on cheese, need not apply. And why the hell are you watching Rambo in the first place? Unless your going to leave your ultra politically correctness at the door, you might as well skip RAMBO, becouse this will prove as too big of a dose of reality for you.
Now if youre strong. Defiantly see this film.
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